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Member spotlight


Hi! My name is Walter and I'm from the sunny south of Spain.

I’ve been using Vivaldi since 2016 on Windows.

My top 5 Vivaldi features are:

  • Web Panels
  • Notes
  • Mail
  • UI Customization
  • Privacy

What I love about Vivaldi Community is that they have what is very scarce today on the Internet, a great kindness, respect and willingness to help others.

Interesting fact about me: I’m just an old retiree, with the body already quite rusty, but with a CPU to the last. Very fond of music, from 13th century Madrigals to Death Metal.

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Tip #468

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Play the new Vivaldia game

Vivaldia 2 is now available to play for free on our website and on Steam.

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You’re holding it wrong!

We believe in giving you choice and customization options in our browser. Unlike Apple, there’s no finger-pointing, just a commitment to a better browsing experience.

Go on an Easter egg hunt and hop into Spring with the Vivaldi browser

Easter is a time of traditional hunts and hidden surprises. Dive in and find out how you can participate in Vivaldi’s Easter Egg Hunt!

Women in tech are here to stay

Every year we celebrate Women's Day by sharing stories about the women whose tech journey is somehow bound to Vivaldi. Get to know some of our female Ambassadors!

Featured Community blog posts

Blue balloon day

A glorious summer day theytook meto the park to play andit was oh so lively full ofpeople kids and dogsand big smiles all around Daddy definitely wasn’t richYet Mom she was good lookingI was a big-eyed kid of 5skinny…

4 days ago

By canardlilies

Total Solar Eclipse

There are so many infinite reasons I love Montreal, the total solar eclipse being one of them. Collective awe being another, and the waft of smoke from sausages grilling in Jeanne-Mance, on a perfect spring summer day,…

1 week ago

By gracema

Having Fun Exploring with Cartography

An old town map discovered on a mapping survey I do a lot of mapping for the Open Street Map. I do it for many reasons. I despise big tech companies and want to give them the middle finger. I believe that the data that…

1 week ago

By lonm

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Custom Start Page Wallpapers | Vivaldi on Android
Force dark mode on all websites | Vivaldi on iOS
Control your website permissions | Vivaldi

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